Thursday, July 31, 2008

Queen Mom

Yesterday I was Queen. After wasting away the morning reading a book, I sat on the living room sofa nursing my 2 month old contemplating all that needed to be done before my parents came to stay with us for the weekend. I was feeling sorry for myself, frustrated that Entropy seemed to be ruling my household with my children its subjects. How was I to convince my children that they really should stop destroying things? I pondered for a time and concluded that I needed to come down from my throne and mingle with my subjects. So, I donned my tiara (literally-yes, I own a tiara and wear it on occasion) and got to work.

First, I grabbed some wood glue, and under the careful supervision of my 4 year old princess, I glued the piano bench back together in what may turn out to be a vain attempt to prolong its life. Next, I gathered the children downstairs in the family room where my two brothers will be sleeping, sat myself down with a trash bag and a toy box and proceeded to direct my children in the art of counting trash. Meanwhile, I sorted through the toy box, removing trash and other treasures. As the day progressed, a couple loads of laundry were done, supervision of the removal of debris and the like from my prince's bedchamber occurred, ice cream was made and a sewing project and a half were completed.

At some point during the afternoon a friend came by to drop something off. After she left, I realized I still had my tiara on. I laughed to myself and continued to create order where entropy once reigned.


Art Solomon said...

You are hilarious! This post had me holding my sides! That's where I've been going wrong all these years, I need a tiara. I'm heading to the dollar store straight away!If you dont care I'd love to put you on my blog roll, and check in from time to time when I need to readjust my perspective and laugh while I'm at it.

Stephanie M Larsen said...

Whoops! I just posted under my husbands acct.