While sitting here trying to decide what to write, my 2 year old son, who was supposed to be asleep in his crib, walked in. He said, "I'm awake now". Which was, well, quite obvious. I asked if he climbed out of the crib, a skill I'm beginning to think he has learned. He said, "Yes". Then he handed me a child size version of a hard hat, like those worn on construction site, for me to wear. I dutifully put the hat on my head and smiled at my son. He said, "You're pretty". I thanked him, he said "You're welcome", he took back his hat and left the room. It's hard to be mad sometimes.
It reminds me of the other day when I was bringing him in from the car. He wanted to stay out front to play, but since I wasn't going to be out there with him I flung him over my shoulder and started to carry him to the house.
He was protesting so I cajoled, "Peter, just let me love you".
"No, mom, don't love me", he replied angrily.
"Oh, I love you, Peter!" I persisted.
In the same angry sounding voice, each word emphasized, "Mom, I love you, too!"
How sweet is that! And I read your blog about hospital births. I am in complete agreement. I have had five births, the first three at home, the last two in the hospital. The third homebirth was stillborn, thus the reason we opted differently for the 4th and 5th. However, I will always urge my children to have homebirths. It is an experience I will forever cherish, and would do again, if we were going to have more. Blessings to you!!!
(PS--come by my blog and look in the archives for Jane, yes, Jane was my stillborn baby. While browsing through homeschooling blogs, your name was what drew me to yours!)
What a cutie. I love the title I know just what you mean. My little guy is two as well, he turned two in July. I just love his little mischevious self! PS. I was happy to add you to my blog roll, so I could easily check back to read your fun posts!
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