I can't get enough of my two-year-old right now. He says the greatest things. For instance, the other day we were at a family gathering and I was talking with my mother-in-law when Mr. 2yr-old comes along and says something that I just can't figure out. I start to question him so I can figure out what he's trying to say and he replies angrily, "No, mom, I'm talking to grandma!"
One of my favorites from last week:
Mr. 2yo and I were talking and I discovered he knew his first and middle names, Peter Michael. Great, I say to myself, now he just needs to learn his last name. So I proceeded to tell him his whole name and got him to repeat it to me a couple of times. I then went on to discuss his age with him. Then, as any parent would do who wants to know if what they've tried to teach their child has stuck, I asked Mr. 2yo his name. His reply, "Peter {here I'm getting really excited}, Peter {okay, it's all right if he says his first name twice, he just wants to make sure everyone understands}, Pumpkin Eater!" Well, at least he didn't say "Stinky Pete".
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